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Phrase Information
- Name
- RTV Ended
- English
RTV has already ended, you cannot start it again or nominate maps.
Translation Information
- Added By
- WebDestroya[AOF]
- Date Created
- 2012-12-19 01:51:00 UTC
- Language
- 1337speak (l0l)
- Text
- RTV h4s 41r34dy 3nd3d, y0u c4nn0t st4rt it 4g4in or n0min4t3 m4ps.
- In-game Preview
- RTV h4s 41r34dy 3nd3d, y0u c4nn0t st4rt it 4g4in or n0min4t3 m4ps.
(This shows how the phrase will appear in game. Format placeholders will be filled in by the plugin in-game.)