Back to phrase
Phrase Information
- Name
- scout_o_skill_Marksman_desc
- English
Standing still for 1 second, scout is able to deal #1#x damage the further the target.\n1000 units or more deals maximum damage
Translation Information
- Added By
- Necavi
- Date Created
- 2013-01-05 03:27:04 UTC
- Language
- English (en)
- Text
- Standing still for 1 second, scout is able to deal #1#x damage the further the target.\n1000 units or more deals maximum damage
- In-game Preview
- Standing still for 1 second, scout is able to deal #1#x damage the further the target.\n1000 units or more deals maximum damage
(This shows how the phrase will appear in game. Format placeholders will be filled in by the plugin in-game.)