Recent Translations by ѕpιderвαrα
No Longer Rebel added over 10 years ago (details)
- en
- {default}{1} {lightgreen}is no longer a rebel.
- de
- {default}{1} {lightgreen}ist kein Rebel mehr.
New Rebel added over 10 years ago (details)
- en
- {default}{1} {lightgreen}is now a rebel.
- de
- {default}{1} {lightgreen}ist jetzt ein Rebel.
defusing the bomb added about 11 years ago (details)
- en
- defusing the bomb
- de
- entschärfen der Bombe
Spectators cannot be targets added about 11 years ago (details)
- en
- [SM] Spectators cannot be targets!
- de
- [SM] Zuschauer sind nicht erfassbar!