Recent Translations
by 5iq
- en
- Now you have Wallhack!
- cze
- Nyní máš wallhack!
- en
- You set {2} ¢redits to {1}
- cze
- You set {2} ¢redits to {1}
- en
- No Clip for {2} sec. [{1}¢]
- cze
- No Clip na {2} sec. [{1}¢]
- en
- Freeday next round [{1}¢]
- cze
- Freeday další kolo [{1}¢]
- en
- Sale On! All items on {1}%% discount!
- cze
- Sale On! All items on {1}%% discount!
- en
- Players ¢redits on shop:
- cze
- Players ¢redits on shop:
- en
- You have already bought this item in this round, wait for the next round to buy again.
- cze
- Už jsi si koupil tento item, počkej do dalšího kola.
- en
- Now you're immortal for {1} seconds!
- cze
- Now you're immortal for {1} seconds!
- en
- Open Jails [{1}¢]
- cze
- Otevřít cely [{1}¢]
- en
- Blackout - darken the map [{1}¢]
- cze
- Blackout - darken the map [{1}¢]
- en
- {1} has been revived!
- cze
- {1} byl oživen!
- en
- This item is only for guards!
- cze
- tento item je jen pro CT!
- en
- Invisible for {2} sec. [{1}¢]
- cze
- Neviditelný na {2} sec. [{1}¢]
- en
- +{2}hp and armor [{1}¢]
- cze
- +{2}hp and armor [{1}¢]
- en
- You teleported to {1}!
- cze
- Teleportoval si se na {1}!
- en
- Now you have low gravity!
- cze
- Now you have low gravity!
- en
- [{green}{default}]
- cze
- [{green}Jailbreak{default}]
- en
- You bought: Poison Smoke!
- cze
- You bought: Poison Smoke!
- en
- Now you have Froggy jump!
- cze
- Now you have Froggy jump!
- en
- %%SALE%% {1}%% discount!
- cze
- %%SALE%% {1}%% discount!
- en
- You bought: Blackout - Zzztt...
- cze
- You bought: Blackout - Zzztt...
- en
- You died, can use !revive for {1} credits!
- cze
- Zemřel si, můžeš použít !revive za {1} credits!
- en
- There is no alive prisoner to teleport too.
- cze
- Není naživu žádný vězeň!
- en
- Shop only for prisioners!
- cze
- Obchod jen pro vězně!
- en
- NoClip has ended!
- cze
- NoClip ukončen!
- en
- Teleporter Smoke [{1}¢]
- cze
- Teleporter Smoke [{1}¢]
- en
- Poison Smoke [{1}¢]
- cze
- Poison Smoke [{1}¢]
- en
- The cells are already open.
- cze
- Cely jsou již otevřeny.
- en
- You bought: Teleporter Smoke!
- cze
- Koupil sis: Teleportační smoke!
- en
- You bought: One hit knife!
- cze
- Koupil sis: One hit knife!
- en
- Now you're a vampire!
- cze
- Nyní jste upír!
- en
- You can not gift yourself.
- cze
- Nemůžeš darovat sám sobě.
- en
- You get {2} ¢redits for winning the round. Now you have: {1}¢
- cze
- Za vítězství v kole jsi získal {2} ¢ redits. Nyní máte: {1} ¢
- en
- You can not gift yourself.
- cze
- Nemůžeš darovat sám sobě.
- en
- Sale has ended!
- cze
- Výprodej skončil!
- en
- You bought: Ice Grenade
- cze
- Koupil sis: Ice Grenade
- en
- You bought: a Freeday for the next round
- cze
- Koupil sis: volný den na další kolo
- en
- Tactical shield [{1}¢]
- cze
- Tactical shield [{1}¢]
- en
- You need to be alive to buy items!
- cze
- Musíš být na živu ke koupi tohoto itemu!
- en
- You bought: Jihad Bomb | press Mouse1 + E (attack+use)
- cze
- Koupil sis: Jihad Bomb | Zmáčkni Mouse1 + E (útok+použití)
- en
- Heal [{1}¢]
- cze
- Léčení [{1}¢]
- en
- Throwing one hit knife [{1}¢]
- cze
- Hazecí one hit nůž [{1}¢]
- en
- Deagle with 1 mag [{1}¢]
- cze
- Deagle s 1 zásobníkem [{1}¢]
- en
- Armor [{1}¢]
- cze
- Armor [{1}¢]
- en
- Molotov + 2 flashs [{1}¢]
- cze
- Molotov + 2 oslepující granáty [{1}¢]
- en
- Teleport to Random T [{1}¢]
- cze
- Teleportovat se k náhodnému T [{1}¢]