Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Custom Commands
- Name
- WipeEntity Player
- English
- - \"sm_wipeentity\": Wipe all entities with the given classname (Usage: !wipeentity ) | Example: !wipeentity infected
- English (In-game Preview)
- - \"sm_wipeentity\": Wipe all entities with the given classname (Usage: !wipeentity ) | Example: !wipeentity infected
- English (en)
- \"sm_wipeentity\": Wipe all entities with the given classname (Usage: !wipeentity ) | Example: !wipeentity infected
- French (fr)
- \"sm_wipeentity\": Wipe all entities with the given classname (Utilisation : !wipeentity ) | Exemple : !wipeentity infected
- Italian (it)
- \"sm_wipeentity\": Pulire tutte le entità con il dato nome della classe (Uso: !wipeentity ) | Esempio: !wipeentity infected
- Spanish (es)
- \"sm_wipeentity\": Borra todas las entidades con ese nombre (Uso: !wipeentity ) | Ejemplo: !wipeentity infected