Phrase Information

Custom Commands
NoRescue is not supported
[SM] This map doesn't have a rescue vehicle or is not supported!
English (In-game Preview)
[SM] This map doesn't have a rescue vehicle or is not supported!


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
[SM] Esté mapa não tem um veiculo de resgate ou não tem suporte!
English (en)
[SM] This map doesn't have a rescue vehicle or is not supported!
French (fr)
[SM] Cette map ne dispose pas d'un véhicule de secours ou n'est pas supporté !
Hungarian (hu)
[SM] Ezen a pályán nincs menekülő jármű, vagy az nem támogatott!
Russian (ru)
You are in arena {GREEN}{1} {NORMAL}with {DARK_RED}no opponent
Slovak (sk)
[SM] Táto mapa nemá záchranné vozidlo alebo nie je podporovaná!
Spanish (es)
[SM] Este mapa no tiene un vehículo de rescate o no esta soportado!