Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Custom Commands
- Name
- Succesfully set model
- Format
- String
- Integer
- String
- English
- [SM] Succesfully set the {1} model to {2} <{3}> entities
- English (In-game Preview)
- [SM] Succesfully set the {1:s} model to {2:i} <{3:s}> entities
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
[SM] Setado com sucesso o {1} modelo para {2} <{3}> entidades
- English (en)
[SM] Succesfully set the {1} model to {2} <{3}> entities
- French (fr)
[SM] Succesfully set the {1} model to {2} <{3}> entities
- Italian (it)
[SM] impostare con successo il modello di {1} a {2} <{3}> entitÃ