Phrase Information

Custom Commands
Usage CreateParticle Player Example
Example: !createparticle @me no 5 (Teleports the particle to my position, but don't parent it and stop the effect in 5 seconds)
English (In-game Preview)
Example: !createparticle @me no 5 (Teleports the particle to my position, but don't parent it and stop the effect in 5 seconds)


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Exemplo: !createparticle @me no 5 (Teletransporta a particula para a minha posição, mas não fica e para o efeito em 5 segundos)
English (en)
Example: !createparticle @me no 5 (Teleports the particle to my position, but don't parent it and stop the effect in 5 seconds)
French (fr)
Exemple : !createparticle @me no 5 (Teleports the particle to my position, but don't parent it and stop the effect in 5 seconds)
Polish (pl)
Przykład: !createparticle @me no 5 (Teleportuje particle w
Russian (ru)
{GREEN}You {NORMAL}(rating {GREEN}{1}, {LIGHT_RED}-{2}{NORMAL}) let time run out.
Spanish (es)
Ejemplo: !createparticle @me no 5 (Teletransporta la partícula a mi posición, no lo pega y para el efecto en 5 segundos)