Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Custom Commands
- Name
- The model of the entity
- Format
- String
- Integer
- String
- English
- The model of the entity <{1}>({2}) is \"{3}\"
- English (In-game Preview)
- The model of the entity <{1:s}>({2:d}) is \"{3:s}\"
- English (en)
The model of the entity <{1}>({2}) is \"{3}\"
- French (fr)
The model of the entity <{1}>({2}) is \"{3}\"
- Italian (it)
Il modello dell'entità <{1}>({2}) è \"{3}\"
- Spanish (es)
El modelo de la entidad <{1}>({2}) es {3}
- Turkish (tr)
modelin entityleri <{1}>({2}) is \"{3}\" <{1}>({2}) \"{3}\"