Phrase Information

SourceMod Rock The Vote
RTV Requested
  1. String
  2. Integer
  3. Integer
{1} wants to rock the vote. ({2} votes, {3} required)
English (In-game Preview)
{1:s} wants to rock the vote. ({2:d} votes, {3:d} required)


1337speak (l0l)
{1} w4n7s 70 r0ck 73h v073. ({2} v073s, {3} r3quir3d.)
Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
{1} quer mudar de mapa (Rock the Vote). ({2} voto(s), {3} necessário(s))
Chinese (Simplified) (chi)
{1} 要滚动投票. ({2} 票同意, 至少需要 {3} 票)
Chinese (Traditional) (zho)
{1} 想要 Rock the Vote. (現有 {2} 票, 至少需要 {3} 票)
Czech (cze)
{1} chce zacit Rock the Vote. ({2} hlasu z {3} potrebnych)
Danish (da)
{1} vil stemme om ny bane. ({2} stemmer, {3} påkrævet)
Dutch (nl)
{1} wilt een rock the vote starten, ({2} stemmen, {3} nodig)
English (en)
{1} wants to rock the vote. ({2} votes, {3} required)
Finnish (fi)
{1} haluaa Rock the Voten. ({2} ääntä, {3} vaaditaan)
French (fr)
{1} veut lancer un Rock The Vote. ({2} votes, {3} requis)
German (de)
{1} will eine 'Rock the Vote' Abstimmung. ({2} Stimmen, {3} benötigt)
Hungarian (hu)
{1} pályaváltást szeretne. ({3} szükséges szavazatból {2} van eddig)
Italian (it)
{1} Vuole avviare il rock the vote, ({2} voti su, {3} richiesti)
Japanese (jp)
{1}がRock the Voteを希望しています。({2}投票、残り{3}必要)
Korean (ko)
{1} 님이 맵 투표를 원하십니다. ({2} 명이 동의하셨고, {3} 명의 동의가 필요합니다)
Latvian (lv)
{1} vēlas uzsākt aptauju. ({2} balsis, {3} nepieciešamas)
Lithuanian (lt)
{1} nori iškviesti balsavimą, žaidėjo pageidavimu. ({2} balsai už, {3} balsų reikia)
Norwegian (no)
{1} vil starte Rock the Vote. ({2} stemmer - {3} påkrevd)
Polish (pl)
{1} chce Rock the Vote. ({2} głos(y), {3} wymagne)
Portuguese (pt_p)
{1} quer efetuar o rock the vote. ({2} votos, {3} necessários)
Russian (ru)
Игрок {1} хочет сменить карту. ({2} голосов из {3} необходимых)
Slovak (sk)
{1} chce spustiť Rockthevote. ({2} hlasov, {3} potrebných)
Spanish (es)
{1} quiere hacer un rock the vote. ({2} votos, {3} requeridos)
Swedish (sv)
{1} Vill rock the vote. ({2} röster, {3} krävs)
Turkish (tr)
{1} rock the vote istiyor. ({2} oy, {3} gerekli)