Phrase Information

SourceMod Rock The Vote
Changing Maps
  1. String
Changing map to {1}! Rock the Vote has spoken!
English (In-game Preview)
Changing map to {1:s}! Rock the Vote has spoken!


1337speak (l0l)
Ch4nging m4p 70 {1}! R0ck 73h v073 h4s sp0k3n!
Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Mudando mapa para {1}! O Rock the Vote assim decidiu!
Chinese (Simplified) (chi)
更换地图为 {1}! 滚动投票已显示!
Chinese (Traditional) (zho)
正更變地圖為 {1}! Rock the Vote 已有結果!
Czech (cze)
Zmena mapy na {1}! Rock the Vote promluvilo!
Danish (da)
Skifter bane til {1}! Rock the Vote har talt!
Dutch (nl)
Map wordt verandert naar {1}! Rock the Vote heeft gesproken!
English (en)
Changing map to {1}! Rock the Vote has spoken!
Finnish (fi)
Vaihdetaan kartaksi {1}! Rock the Vote on puhunut!
French (fr)
Changement de Map pour {1}! Décision du Rock the Vote !
German (de)
Karte wechselt zu {1}! Rock the Vote hat entschieden!
Hungarian (hu)
Pálya váltása {1}-ra!
Italian (it)
Cambia la mappa con {1}! Rock the Vote ha deciso!
Japanese (jp)
Rock the Voteによってマップを{1}に変更します!
Korean (ko)
맵을 {1} 로 바꿉니다! 맵 투표로 결정되었습니다!
Latvian (lv)
Maina karti uz {1}! Kas tika noteikta aptaujas rezultātā!
Lithuanian (lt)
Keičiamas žemėlapis į {1}! Žaidėjai patys išsirinko!
Norwegian (no)
Bytter kart til {1}! Rock the Vote har talt!
Polish (pl)
Zmiana mapy na {1}! Głos ludu przemówił!
Portuguese (pt_p)
Mudando de mapa para {1}! O Rock the Vote decidiu!
Russian (ru)
Голосование состоялось! Смена карты на {1}!
Slovak (sk)
Mení sa mapa na {1}! Rockthevote odhlasoval.
Spanish (es)
¡Cambiando mapa a {1}! ¡Rock the Vote ha hablado!
Swedish (sv)
Byter karta till {1}! Rock the vote har talat!
Turkish (tr)
Harita {1} olarak değiştiriliyor! Rock the Vote konuştu!