Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Common Phrases
- Name
- [War3Source] You just set player {player} gold to {amount}
- Format
- String
- Integer
- English
- [War3Source] You just set player \"{1}'s\" gold to {2}.
- English (In-game Preview)
- [War3Source] You just set player \"{1:s}'s\" gold to {2:d}.
- English (en)
[War3Source] You just set player \"{1}'s\" gold to {2}.
- German (de)
[War3Source] Du setzt \"{1}'s\" Gold auf {2}.
- Russian (ru)
[War3Source] Вы установили игроку \"{1}\" {2} золота
- Spanish (es)
[W3S] Has fijado el oro de \"{1}\" a {2}.