Phrase Information

War3Source Common Phrases
You do not have any skill points to spend, if you want to reset your skills use resetskills
You don't have any skill points to spend, if you want to reset your skills use resetskills.
English (In-game Preview)
You don't have any skill points to spend, if you want to reset your skills use resetskills.


English (en)
You don't have any skill points to spend, if you want to reset your skills use resetskills.
German (de)
Du hast keine Fertigkeitspunkte, die du ausgeben koenntest. Um deine Fertigkeiten zurueckzusetzen, schreibe resetskills.
Russian (ru)
Очков для распределения нет, для сброса навыков используйте resetskills
Spanish (es)
No tienes ningun punto de habilidad por gastar, si quieres resetear tus habilidades usa "resetskills".