Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Common Phrases
- Name
- You do not have any skill points to spend, if you want to reset your skills use resetskills
- English
- You don't have any skill points to spend, if you want to reset your skills use resetskills.
- English (In-game Preview)
- You don't have any skill points to spend, if you want to reset your skills use resetskills.
- English (en)
You don't have any skill points to spend, if you want to reset your skills use resetskills.
- German (de)
Du hast keine Fertigkeitspunkte, die du ausgeben koenntest. Um deine Fertigkeiten zurueckzusetzen, schreibe resetskills.
- Russian (ru)
Очков для распределения нет, для сброса навыков используйте resetskills
- Spanish (es)
No tienes ningun punto de habilidad por gastar, si quieres resetear tus habilidades usa "resetskills".