Phrase Information

War3Source Common Phrases
[War3Source] Successfully retrieved data races, total of {amount} races were returned, {amount} are running on this server
  1. Integer
  2. Integer
[War3Source] Successfully retrieved data races, total of {1} races were returned, {2} are running on this server.
English (In-game Preview)
[War3Source] Successfully retrieved data races, total of {1:d} races were returned, {2:d} are running on this server.


English (en)
[War3Source] Successfully retrieved data races, total of {1} races were returned, {2} are running on this server.
Russian (ru)
[War3Source] Данные о расах успешно загружены, всего загружено {1}. Количество рас на этом сервере: {2}
Spanish (es)
[W3S] Datos de razas recuperadosc con exito, un total de {1} razas devueltas, {2} estan funcionando en este servidor.