Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Common Phrases
- Name
- HelpMenu8desc
- English
- Use an ultimate that required a bind. bind key +ultimate
- English (In-game Preview)
- Use an ultimate that required a bind. bind key +ultimate
- Dutch (nl)
Gebruik een ultimate dat een "bind" vereist. bind key +ultimate in console
- English (en)
Use an ultimate that required a bind. bind key +ultimate
- Polish (pl)
Uzywanie mocy ULTIMATE wymaga binda. Dodaj bind "klawisz" +ultimate
- Russian (ru)
Основной уникальный навык (ultimate).\nНапишите в консоле: bind key +ultimate\nдля быстрого использования
- Spanish (es)
Usar una ultimate requiere un bindeo. Bind key +ultimate