Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Common Phrases
- Name
- A skill is over the maximum level allowed for your current level, please reselect your skills
- English
- A skill is over the maximum level allowed for your current level, please reselect your skills
- English (In-game Preview)
- A skill is over the maximum level allowed for your current level, please reselect your skills
- English (en)
A skill is over the maximum level allowed for your current level, please reselect your skills
- German (de)
Eine Fähigkeit ist über dem Levellimit, welches für dein momentanen Level erlaubt ist. Bitte wähle andere Fähigkeiten aus.
- Russian (ru)
Навык имеет максимальное число очков, допустимых на вашем текущем уровне, перераспределите ваши навыки
- Spanish (es)
La habilidad esta al nivel maximo permitido para tu nivel actual, por favor reselecciona tus habilidades