Recent Translations by EmeraldGhost
Kicked By Rate added almost 7 years ago (details)
- en
- You have been auto-kicked for ping masking.
- chi
- 你由于伪装Ping已被自动踢出.
Newbie instructions new level added almost 7 years ago (details)
- en
- {G}You have gained a {N}new level{G}! This means you can {N}buy upgrades{G} which give you an advantage over your opponents.
- chi
- {G}你获得了一个新的 {N}能力点{G} ! 这意味着你可以 {N}购买升级{G} 来提升你对敌的优势.
ACS Votes Scavenge added almost 7 years ago (details)
- en
- {lightgreen}{1}{green}: {olive}{2} votes
- chi
- {lightgreen}{1}{green}: {olive}{2} 个投票.