Recent Translations
by RazorYL
- en
- {1}{2}s {3}won the {4}best-of-{5} {6}rounds
- ru
- {GREEN}Your opponent left.
- en
- It's raining gnomes!
- ru
- {GREEN}{1} {NORMAL}had the most wins {PURPLE}({2}) {NORMAL}in arena 1 this map.
- en
- Example: !createparticle @me no 5 (Teleports the particle to my position, but don't parent it and stop the effect in 5 seconds)
- ru
- {GREEN}You {NORMAL}(rating {GREEN}{1}, {LIGHT_RED}-{2}{NORMAL}) let time run out.
- en
- [SM] Unable to find a valid target!
- ru
- {GREEN}You {NORMAL}(rating {GREEN}{1}, {LIGHT_GREEN}+{2}{NORMAL}) beat {PURPLE}{3} {NORMAL}(rating {PURPLE}{4}, {DARK_RED}-{5}{NORMAL})
- en
- [SM] Succesfully wiped {1} gnomes
- ru
- You are in position {GREEN}{1} {NORMAL}in the waiting queue
- en
- [SM] This map doesn't have a rescue vehicle or is not supported!
- ru
- You are in arena {GREEN}{1} {NORMAL}with {DARK_RED}no opponent
- en
- Player {olive}{1} {default}was put in control of a survivor bot{2}.
- ru
- "You are in arena {GREEN}{1} {NORMAL}with {DARK_RED}no opponent."
- en
- 1/3 Scale
- ru
- multi1v1.phrases